As each toothpaste promises tooth whitening, many shampoos promise hair growth. Both of them are lying, unfortunately. I am not an expert on teeth whitening, but I know quite a lot about hair growth. Here is my take on shampoos and their role in hair growth.
What Shampoo Can and Cannot Do
Shampoo is designed to clean your scalp and hair, to remove dirt, oil, and hair product buildup.
As a consequence, it helps to maintain your scalp healthy and clean. It cannot make your hair grow faster or thicker. Its just one of the things required for hair growth. The real hair growth happens at the follicle level, beneath the scalp’s surface, where shampoo has little to no effect.
Many brands add so-called “hair growth” ingredients to their formulas, but the truth is, shampoo is rinsed off within minutes. Even if a shampoo contains beneficial ingredients, they don’t stay on your scalp long enough to create a real impact.
What Actually Boosts Hair Growth?
If you want to support hair growth, focus on what truly matters:
- Nutrition – Hair needs essential nutrients to grow well. Ideally your body supplies all the nutrients to your hair by itself, but if not, you can use the Hair growth booster to give you those nutrients externally.
- Hydration of Scalp - The key is to keep your scalp hydrated, as a dry scalp can lead to irritation, flakiness, and weakened hair follicles. Proper hydration helps maintain the scalp’s natural barrier, preventing excessive oil production and promoting a balanced environment for hair growth. Using lightweight, non-greasy moisturizers, aloe vera, or hydrating scalp sprays can help retain moisture without clogging follicles. Hair growth elixir will do that for your hair, along other things.
- Hair Oils and Serums – Unlike shampoo, these stay on the scalp longer, allowing key ingredients to penetrate and support follicle function. You will find those also in the Hair growth booster.
- Consistent Hair Care Routine – Giving nutrients to your hair consistently is the key to success. There are no one-time use magic pills that will give your hair all it needs. You need to be consisent in the way how you treat your hair.

The Truth About Hair Growth Shampoos
So, should you stop using shampoo? No! A good shampoo is still necessary for maintaining a healthy and clean scalp. In case of Van Roots products, keeping your scalp clean is crucial as we the nutrients to your hair follicles through the clean scalp.
Just dont don’t expect any shampoo to be a cure for hair loss, or to boost your hair growth. Instead, use shampoos that focus on gentle cleansing & scalp hydration, without making false promises.
If you're serious about hair growth, focus on long-term solutions that actually give your hair all the nutrients it requires in order to grow well. That’s where real results happen.